
Guys and girls, it’s imperative that I dutifully fulfil my responsibility in disclosing the fact that this website contains affiliate links.

All that means is that if you buy products through the links on my pages, a small commission will be paid to me, at no extra cost to you.

What this does not mean, is that it will affect the way which I review products in a fair and honest manner. If I like a product, I’ll recommend it. If I don’t, I won’t.

The majority of products I review have been tested and used by myself. Other reviews are based on my knowledge and experience with similar products.

Sometimes companies allow me to keep the products that I review, which is their way of saying thanks. I don’t usually make a commission on those sales. This means I have a very full house, and very little storage space.

Let it be known that I do take a slice of the cake when you buy from my affiliates, albeit a fairly slender one. The company that I’m linked with cover that payment as a sort of tip for helping them out.

The result is that this is classed as a for-profit website. Most of that profit gets reinvested into maintaining the site, so I’d like to thank you personally for your support in the running of Rider UK.

In all truth, it is a for-bikers website, and it will remain to be as long as its users find the content of value to them. Hence, my motto has always been; keep it real, and keep it two wheels!